Bill Lukens Director NINO Ministry

Bill Lukens

Director Bill Lukens

Sydney Griffin Ministry Leader NINO Ministry

Sydney Griffin

Ministry Leader, Web Developer Sydney Griffin

Kevin Whitaker Ministry Leader NINO Ministry

Kevin Whitaker

Ministry Leader Kevin Whitaker

Bill Lukens

Bill is a Chaplain with over 20 years of Ministry experience spanning Prison Ministry, Marriage Ministry and Lay Counseling. He has walked with men during their most challenging times. Bill has a unique calling to bring Jesus to hurting men. Only then can men reach their God given potential!

Sydney Griffin

Sydney is the reason for this ministry. He came to Bill with the desire to minister to over the road truckers. He wanted a series of messages that could transform lives for Christ. NINO is the result of that desire. Sydney is the fuel that drives the Ministry!

Kevin Whitaker

Kevin and Bill are Forum of Four brothers. They have done life together for over 20 years. Kevin attends Gateway Church in South Lake Texas. He is part of the Prophetic Ministry